As the “Breadth Years” continue there is a deliberate effort to design learning with an emphasis of critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, and ethical and cultural understanding.

Students begin their day in their home group spaces with their home group teachers. Once the roll is done and the day’s timetable is discussed students move throughout the flexible learning space to their designated teacher and class. Dependent on subject, activity and/or desired outcome, students work in their home groups, fluid like ability groups (F.L.A.G) or across the whole cohort. This gives students the opportunity to work with all teachers and a variety of students across all learning areas.

In Year 5/6, students are encouraged to use a range of technology and programs where they can create, collaborate, communicate and critically think on their own and with their peers. We use tools such as Google Drive and Edmodo to facilitate this collaboration and engage students across the curriculum.

The teachers of Year 5/6 plan, teach, assess and reflect together to provide quality-learning experiences, whilst offering a rich, dynamic, inspiring and challenging learning environment for independent life long learners and thinkers. We want students to feel empowered, and take responsibility for their own learning.

The learning and teaching program in Year 5/6 is a two-year journey for the students. We provide a range of learning opportunities and experiences that provide our students with the skills and confidence to take the next big step in their education: high school.

We welcome visitors to our space anytime.