In Year 1/2, we continue to foster independence and increased responsibility, particularly for the students transitioning from Foundation to Year 1.
We teach Reading, Writing and Maths each day, which is done in groups based on our students’ point of need. Students will work with various teachers, in spaces other than their own classroom, and with many other Year 1/2 students. Over the week, our students also learn about Science, Wellbeing, our Inquiry topic, Library and other specialist areas.
Engagement and curiosity is fostered by providing a variety of authentic experiences and opportunities to problem solve individually and in small groups. Students learn using literature, games, concrete materials, computers, iPads, interactive whiteboards, guest speakers, expos, excursions and more.
Where possible, we integrate our Inquiry Learning into all areas of the curriculum. This year, our topics are Healthy Living, Paddock To Plate, Toys Over Time and Buildings & Structures. A highlight of the year is the Year 1/2 Dinner and Year 2 Sleepover which is part of the CNPS camping program.
We welcome the support that our families and community provide through their involvement in our learning.