Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement

The parents at Carlton North Primary School have a long history of keen involvement in the school community. Students generally love it when their parents can assist with activities or contribute in some way to the school’s programs and events. We are asking all adults who volunteer at CNPS who assist with e.g. excursions, reading or helping in the classroom to have a Working with Children Check (WWCC); this is a Department of Education and Training requirement. We really value all the help that parents and caregivers do at CNPS. You enable so many things to happen that bring richness to our community.

Information about the WWCC can be accessed here –
Thank you for taking the time to do this and support our school.

We welcome all parent participation. Some of the ways parents become involved include:

  • Join School Council and/or one of its committees
  • Assist with sporting activities
  • Classroom Helpers program: this program is held in Term 1. It develops in participants an increased understanding of the development of literacy skills and provides strategies in how to provide support for children in classrooms
  • Assist with looking after the Home Reading Books
  • Assist on excursions
  • Become a Foundation mentor
  • Assist with fundraising events
  • Assist with the Great Lee Street Fete – please see our Fete page for more information.