At CNPS we aim to develop strong, productive home-school partnerships. We believe that parent engagement with their child’s learning will help to ensure all students are connected, motivated and actively involved in their learning and help students to feel safe, happy, develop resilience and self-esteem.

At CNPS home-school partnerships are promoted and developed by:

Regular communication between school and home via:

Weekly Newsletters (via email)

Compass (a communication app and webpage for parents, the Compass link is available at the top header of the CNPS website)

Assemblies in front of the main cream building on Friday Afternoon 3:10pm.

Information sessions in Terms 1 and 2

Informing parents about curriculum and classroom practice and how parents can support their child’s learning at home with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy.

Special days and expos of student work through the year

Parents are invited to attend and interact with students as they present their work.


Formal meetings and written reports at various times of the year. See our “Reporting to parents” page.

Home learning

  • General: At CNPS we ask parents to support opportunities at home for students to regularly reinforce classroom learning, develop study habits, organizational and time-management skills and take increasing levels of responsibility for their own learning. Please see our Homework Policy for more information.
  • Reading: Home Reading provides children with the opportunity to choose a home reading book to read at home with the family. This is a wonderful and rewarding time for all! It develops a love of literature, stimulates an interest in print and helps children see reading as a leisure time activity. Read with and to your child and follow up with a discussion. It is an exciting time for everyone!
  • Spend some time with your child to browse through the text, discuss the pictures, difficult words and characters, to give your child an idea of what it is about before you share the reading experience.

Before school to Year 2 Helping your child to read, write speak and listen