Years 3 and 4 are the beginning of the “Breadth Years” where students engage in more complex tasks and apply their learning from the Foundation Years.   

The three classroom teachers work as a team. In Year 3/4 we develop the skills necessary for students to move towards independent learning in the upper Primary years.

We teach English through the lenses of Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. In Reading, we continue to build upon the skills of predicting, visualising, making connections, inferring and summarising while also developing fluency, accuracy and expanding vocabulary. Students select a variety of books from our classroom and school libraries. In Writing we have weekly grammar and spelling lessons, as well as having lessons with a focus on a genre type or writing in a genre of their choice. Students use a Writer’s notebook to record their ideas for future writing. Students are given many opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills through group and individual presentations, class discussions and Author’ Chair.

Mathematics is taught every day in Year 3/4. Over the year we teach multiple strategies for solving each of the four operations that cater for different learning needs. Students are given time to practise each strategy and decide which is the one that is right for them. We strive to have tasks which are engaging and open-ended and identify the link between theory and real life application.

Science in Year 3/4 is all about developing an understanding of science concepts through fun hands-on scientific experiences and using the P.O.E. model of Predicting, Observing and Explaining.

In Year 3/4 we believe it is important to use multiple technological devices and programs to give opportunities for students to create and collaborate on their work. Students collaborate and share their work using Google Drive, and share their learning with their families using iPads and the Seesaw app.

Students in Year 3/4 have the opportunity to go on a two night/three day camp each year. This continues the camp experience at Carlton North PS with the first opportunity for being away from the school overnight. With a bush or coastal theme, we focus on team building activities as well as the old favourites like the giant swing, flying fox and hut building. This is an exciting time of year for all involved.